Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Happy Tuesday!!!

Music 4 Life® New Beginning Dare to BE Happy Challenge and our focus will be on Creating and Implementation your Vision.

"Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement." 
~ Florence Schovel Shinn

Last week we introduced you to Eileen Joyce and we talked about Tools for Success while Living in Balance.  My AHA was: I can take small steps in my day to work out and reflect.  It doesn't have to be ALL or nothing.  What a concept!!!

This week we will support you on looking at creating and implementing a vision.  We will be creating a vision notebook to set and document your grand successes!!!!

Download your handout this week. Sign-up for weekly updates.

Music 4 Life® Dare To BE Happy Challenge 2015 New Beginnings
Jan 13 through Mar 31, 2015
Amy Frost and Judith Pinkerton

Process for Dare To BE Happy Challenge:
  • Read weekly blog posted here on Tuesdays.  
  • Experience this topic's wellness circle during the week in Las Vegas at the Music 4 Life® Health Club.
  • Listen to Music 4 Life® Radio, 6:00-6:30pm Tuesdays at:BlogTalkRadio.com/Music4LifeUSA and call-in to (646) 929-0956.  Our guest this week our guest will be Dr. AlixSandra Parness, DD who is an ordained minister, doctor of divinity, trained clairvoyant healer and dedicated teacher of the healing arts. She is the founder of the Inner Focus Church and the AlixSandra Parness' Inner Focus Advanced Energy Healing School, established in 1991 as an international vehicle for attaining enlightenment and world peace. As a teacher of teachers she has trained students world-wide to transform their own lives and thus be an effective force for good in the world. As an author AlixSandra is extending her reach globally as she brings her much needed message, Activating Joy in your everyday life.  www.activatejoy.com
  • Listen to Music 4 Life® Radio broadcasts anytime that works for you!
  • Music Medicine: Our guest will share her favorite piece of music as Judith guides her on a journey to understand how it is music medicine for her ~ and possibly you too!
  • THE PROBLEM: if this music does not do it for you, and if you are in Las Vegas, please see us at the Music 4 Life® office for a free 10-minute session to merge your mind/mood/body into the theta state with a re-boot of your system through forced meditation in the Music Medicine Cove.  This may help to release emotional tension that is blocking you from transforming your 2014 resolutions. Find out about your music listening habits watching the TEDxUNLV Talk "Music Powers Potential: Building Mental Fitness.” Download the Music Medicine Boot Camp to learn how to apply your music listening habits differently for self-empowerment. Re-organize your music into powerful playlists and Mood Sequence Formulas™ and cross-train to new music to shift your perspective.
This Day/Week’s topic in Music 4 Life® Circles we will be creating our visions and use visioning and goal setting to bring them into our realities on Tuesday Jan 27 at 4-5:30pm PDT and on Friday Jan 30 at 1-2:30pm.  On Friday, Jan 30, at Noon PDT, I will be leading the Self Care Call.  Join us by call in:  Ph:  (712) 432-1212  Code 676-773-827#
 Visionily Yours, Amy 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Happy Tuesday!!!

Music 4 Life® New Beginning Dare to BE Happy Challenge and our focus will be on Tools for Success while Living in Balance.

“Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”  ~ Helen Keller

Last week we introduced you to our new team mate Jeffrey Trower and I challenged you to open up to being courageously Turbo Charging Your Career!!!.  My AHA was: It takes courage to keep asking the question often,  "What am I to do NOW, this year, this day in living my purpose through my career".

This week we will support you on looking at your definition of success and some great tools to help you get there in a balanced way.  I can hear you, "WHAT?????" I know it is a weird concept and let's give it a try!!!!

Download your handout this week. Sign-up for weekly updates.

Music 4 Life® Dare To BE Happy Challenge 2015 New Beginnings
Jan 13 through Mar 31, 2015
Amy Frost and Judith Pinkerton

Process for Dare To BE Happy Challenge:
This Day/Week’s topic in Music 4 Life® Circles is Tools for Success while Living in Balance.on Tuesday Jan 20 at 4pm and on Friday Jan 23 at Noon.  Also join us for our Career Circle Wednesday night from 6-8pm to help you create the life and career that fits YOUR definition of success!

Careerily and in Balance, Amy 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Linda Simon's photo.

Last  Point of Pondering:  I am seeing grace as a daily and choice-by-choice practice. Catholic priest Henri Nouwen talks about cultivating practice in daily practice:

Patience is a hard discipline.  It is not just waiting until something happens over which we have no control:  the arrival of the bus, the end of the rain, the return of a friend, the resolution of a conflict.  Patience is not waiting passively until someone else does something.  Patience asks us to live the moment to the fullest, to be completely present to the moment, to taste the here and now new, to be where we are.  When we are impatient, we try to get away from where we are.  We behave as if the real things will happen tomorrow, later, and somewhere else.  Let's be patient and trust that the treasure we look for is hidden in the ground on which we stand.

Graceful Action:  I will be open to facing the daily deaths of:  who I am, STRONG held beliefs, of things I love, of relationships and of dreams I hold. 

My Current  Point of Pondering:  

I attended the Workaholic’s Support Tele-Group on Wed…I have an issue with declaring I AM a workaholic…I am someone working to live consciously… AND, one thing that I got from someone’s sharing that I am keeping… “God is my employer”.  What I have said for years is, “I work for my Father’s business”.  Can be easy to forget that when deadlines are falling down around your life.

Jill shared this with me on the M4L radio show, “How is this happening for me?”   

From my mentor/mentee weekly meeting this morning Robin (Hi Robin) give us two questions she asks when a decision needs made in running her business of 30 years, “Is this good for me? And “Is this good for my business?”. 

I am playing a game…join me if you’d like…. I am starting everything I am doing by setting up living in vision by poising everything with, “I look forward to xxxxx”.   

Graceful Action:  Use these questions for the next weekish and see where I land...

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Happy Tuesday!!!

Today we kick off our Music 4 Life® New Beginning Dare to BE Happy Challenge and our focus will be on Turbo Charging Your Career!!!

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” 
~ Dale Carnegie

Last week we introduced you to our new team mate Becky Wellman and I challenged you to open up to being courageous.  My AHA was: It takes courage to keep asking the question often,  "What am I to do NOW, this year, this day in living my purpose through my career".

This week we will support you on looking at where you are in your career and help you recalibrate to BEing happier and more successful in your job or business.  

Download your handout this week. Sign-up for weekly updates.

Music 4 Life® Dare To BE Happy Challenge 2014 Finale 
Jan 13 through Mar 31, 2015
Amy Frost and Judith Pinkerton

Process for Dare To BE Happy Challenge:
  • Read weekly blog posted here on Tuesdays.  
  • Experience this topic's wellness circle during the week in Las Vegas at the Music 4 Life® Health Club.
  • Listen to Music 4 Life® Radio, 6:00-6:30pm Tuesdays at:BlogTalkRadio.com/Music4LifeUSA and call-in to (646) 929-0956.  Our guest this week we will introduce you to Jeffrey Trower our new Coordinator of Music 4 Life® Drum Circles.
  • Listen to Music 4 Life® Radio broadcasts anytime that works for you!
  • Music Medicine: Our guest will share his favorite piece of music as Judith guides him on a journey to understand how it is music medicine for him ~ and possibly you too!
  • THE PROBLEM: if this music does not do it for you, and if you are in Las Vegas, please see us at the Music 4 Life® office for a free 10-minute session to merge your mind/mood/body into the theta state with a re-boot of your system through forced meditation in the Music Medicine Cove.  This may help to release emotional tension that is blocking you from transforming your 2014 resolutions. Find out about your music listening habits watching the TEDxUNLV Talk "Music Powers Potential: Building Mental Fitness.” Download the Music Medicine Boot Camp to learn how to apply your music listening habits differently for self-empowerment. Re-organize your music into powerful playlists and Mood Sequence Formulas™ and cross-train to new music to shift your perspective.
This Day/Week’s topic in Music 4 Life® Circles is Turbo Charging Your Careeron Tuesday Jan 13 at 4pm and on Friday Jan 16 at Noon.

Careerily Yours, Amy